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We would love your help!
Whether you can help out by attending the occasional event or spreading the word by sharing our social media posts. Or whether you have the time for a weekly or monthly commitment, we would love to hear from you.
Please watch the video to see what's involved.
We are a passionate and friendly bunch of people.
If you can put up poster for us or have somewhere you can leave our flyers, please email us.​
Campaign Subgroups
Stop the Wensum Link has various sub groups which work on various aspects of the campaign and hold various events. If you'd like to know more, please get in touch
Norwich Western Link Alternatives
There are terrible traffic problems in the Wensum Valley. But there are better alternatives to the NWL which are cheaper, better for residents and better for the wildlife. With your help we can start to put together some other strategies: other roads that can upgraded, public transport. They avoided building the M4 in Wales because they came up with a better plan - that was cheaper and less destructive to the environment. Come and help us!
Outreach Group
Come and join our friendly team working on getting the word out on the Norwich Western Link Road. All ideas on online/ in person events welcome. Any little time contribution is helpful, we have so much to do!

Ecology and Surveying
Your chance to be a citizen scientist and help us record the wildlife in the beautiful and ecologically rich Wensum Valley.
Legal Campaign Group
Barbestelle bats, in particular, have a strong legal protection, help us enforce this by donating to our crowdfunder
Artists Group
Creative? Then please join fellow artists and help us capture the visual beauty of the valley and it's inhabitants to share with people as part of the campaign
Have you signed the petition?